Thursday, March 31, 2011

Book Reading #41 - Why We Make Mistakes

Ch 2
This chapter deals with viewing things objectively. A case is described where a robbery was acted out and a the thief robbed a woman of her purse. Men are able to clearly describe the thief but woman are more clearly able to describe the woman's actions. This is one thing that may lead to mistakes, the difference in views of a situation. Another issue is that sometimes we just get tired and stop observing situations in which valance is required. AN example given was that a good percentage of screeners missed to identify items in carry-on bags that could be used to make explosive devices.

Ch 3
This chapter discusses the things people remember when meeting someone new. Humans are bad with remembering names opposed to remembering faces. It is easiest to remember a visual representation of that person (face) opposed to their name. Also, we tend to remember how that person made us feel when we first met them. This emotion stays with a person for a good while. It seems the characteristic of a person we tend to remember most is the persons hair. The interesting thing is that this is the easiest characteristic to change on a person. Finally, we tend to remember better looking faces than average ones.

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