Monday, February 14, 2011

Paper Reading #8 - Early explorations of CAT: Canine Amusement and Training

Joe Cabrera
Ryan Kerbow

Reference Info:
Early explorations of cat: canine amusement and training.
Chadwick A. Wingrave, Todd Langston, Jeremy Rose, Joseph J. LaViola Jr.
CHI 2010, April 10–15, 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

The article describes the works being done in canine-computer-human interaction. The goal is to create an environment with technology in which humans and dogs can interact. It aims at both trying to train the dog as well as trying to train humans how to play and train their animals. It includes training commands as well as games for the human and dog. It uses the motion capture of the Nintendo Wii's Wiimote, a television for the human and a projector aimed to the floor for the dog. An example was teaching the dog how to stay in a spot and come to its owner upon command. This is ongoing research to better understand and build upon the relationship of humans and dogs with the use of technology. This technology will promote a healthy bond with bot owner and canine through fun and innovative ways with the use of technology and CHCI.

In my opinion this is a pretty dumb idea. But then again, I have never been a pet person. I do not fully understand the use of this but seeing as how I do not own a pet, I feel my opinion wouldn't carry much weight on the matter. Perhaps someone with more experience in owning and training pets could provide better insight. For me, I don't see the use in this. Its just another expensive toy for a dog.

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