Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ethnography Ideas

1.) Social Networking and Their Role in Friendship
Does the use of social networks foster friendships or hinder them? This question would lead me to research the different types of interactions done with friends in real life and on the internet. In what ways are they similar and in what ways are they different? Do they bring people closer, or create a technological rift between them?

2.) XY/XX Engineers
Is there a large difference between female engineers and their male counterparts? This question would lead me to research the differences noticed and unnoticed between the sexes in predominantly male engineering professions. Do most males see women as equal and capable of such technical tasks? What about non-engineering males? Do these women in engineering feel they have something to prove or feel there is an sense of equality and need not prove themselves?

3.) What is Engineering?....No, Really!?
Which major within engineering is seen as lesser by the engineering community? Is there a specific major, or is it job specific/ This would lead me to research the different views of different engineering majors. Which majors are considered engineering and which majors are not understood? Is industrial distribution withing engineering? What about computer science? Why or why not are certain majors not recognized as engineering or viewed down on.

1 comment:

  1. These are all good questions, but none of them define an ethnographic study. What group would you study, and how would you study them, to answer these questions.
