Miguel Alex Cardenas
Texas A&M Senior
I'm taking this class because A.) I need to graduate and B.) I want to know more about human-computer interactions and what the different levels of interaction are. Im coming into the class with no experience or knowledge in human-computer interaction other than knowing a nice GUI helps the user. I do however come with a passion of learning. That and programing experience.
Class aside, I would like to see myself in 10 years working with a well paying job. That is all I really know because I am still not sure (last semester of college) what I want to do. I know things change, people change, so wherever I foresee myself now will probably not be where I will actually be. And this may sound depressing but who knows; maybe I will love wherever I am in 10 years and hate where I am now.

While we are on the topic of the future, I wonder what the next technological advancement will be. Although it exists now to a degree, I can see augmented reality booming in the future. From entertainment to military, I can see many uses for it. Whether displayed on some interactive medium or projected directly onto your retina, this field of computer science has great potential.
Snuggie: Perfect way to make money |
Lets not get too far ahead of ourselves. Lets reverse and think about the past. Assuming I had a
DeLorean with a Flux Capacitor, I wouldn't mind traveling to the past. So many great minds, so many great thinkers, so many inspirational figures. If I had to choose to travel back in time, I would go back in time about 8 or 9 years to visit myself and give myself a touch screen mp3 player with all the hit songs from 2002 and on. Also, within that mp3 player, would be included all the important inventions and
events from then on given the technology from 2002 permits (ex.
Snuggies). Past me would then "write" all the biggest songs of the past decade as well as come up with inventions. Then when all my inventions have run dry, I will instruct past me to sell the mp3 to Apple so that they may reverse engineer it. I should be financially set for the rest of my life.
Back to the present (see that pun I made in reference to the DeLorean made above), I think my current mustache of choice would be the mustache combined with the goatee. It combines the perfect mustache with other facial hair while keeping it classy.
If you clicked on the link above (or if you speak German) you noticed that I speak 3.5 languages. The 1/2 language is for the basics of French I learned, never used, and forgot. But because it follows the same syntax of other Latin based languages, it is just a matter of learning words, not how to use them
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